SunInside Brighter,cooler & sales natural day light. The latest innovation in day lighting from SVS in technical partnership with 3M enables you to harness the sun's light and pull it into the deepest recesses of your building

Benefits of SunInside

Vari Pitch Technology

Simple, quick and perpendicular installation to without any bends

Water Proof Installation

Leakage free instalation procedure

Minimal Maintenance cost

Does not contain any consumable replacement parts

Power factor

Do not require any electricity to run

Purity plus

Natural sunlight with the full visible spectrum

Health boost

Upto 99% reduction in UV radiation. Sunlight is known to enhance productivity, well-being and mood

Green energy

Eligible for LEED points


Tax benefits such as 80% depreciation can be claimed in first year

Cool tech

Negligible heat transfer - lowers cooling requirement

Sun Inside for farther and brighter light

More efficient (minimizes the number of fixtures used)

Reduction of electrical energy bills effectively 10 hours a day

Payback period of 2 to 2.5 years

Negligible colour loss over longer length